Friday, March 14, 2008

A Dolly's Tale

While digging through my old Barbie clothes for inspiration, I was once again mindboggled by how they have changed her shape, thus rendering all my now-vintage doll clothes useless to my modern model. (see: enlarged hips, and shrunken makes altering the patterns very tricky...)

Frustrated, I decided to send her to the gym, since her hips are now so huge. Unfortunately, this get-up is the best I had in gym wear, and we lamented her once-fashionable duds......She was far too embarrassed to leave the house looking like this, so I am stuck with her and all her friends who now line the shelves of every Wal-Mart in the nation...

Now, I leave you with some Etsy sneak peaks of my upcoming listings for Quite Lovely Boutique:

I knew you were wanting some party dresses! They will be listed very soon, do make sure you visit them...



Anonymous said...

They look so pretty! You should make a little bolero jacket thing to cover her arms, she just looks cold...

tinkalinka said...

i want the burgundy one..
do you make headscarves?

Casey said...

I love these dresses! Very cute! & I know since they changed barbies shape.. the ones I was saving for my daughter some day will not have clothes to wear.. Oh well..