Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Martians and Guns

Today I was searching for shop ideas, and came across a website that sells Barbie clothes and conceal carry purses.
I thought it aptly fit my personality, and had myself a good laugh!

I also watched this movie:
for a second time, and cried for a second time.

A precious little film about the value of human life and parenthood.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prince Caspian and His Movie

  1. I adored the first movie and soon ran out and read all seven books, which I adored even more! Needless to say, I have been counting down the days until Caspian’s theatrical release. Finally, the day arrived! I ignored all reviews, frantically shut off the radio when the Plugged In people started in on their play-by-play review, but alas! A blog I subscribe to was talking about it and I did, indeed read several reviews. They were all rather comical, ranging from book fanatics complaining about them changing minute details I don’t even remember from the book, to those more familiar with the movie industry and defending the screenplay version as if their life and career depended upon it. This all gave me the fuzzy feeling of being able to decide for myself and set them all straight *Insert ridiculously huge, shameless grin*
  2. Finally, the day arrived!(the one where I go see it, not the one it’s released on) The last day of opening weekend, and I rushed to the theater like MY life and career depended on it. I was hooked like a little fish from the second scene….Caspian running for his life, me, making a mental note to get the soundtrack….
  3. Caspian was a return to classic Disney movies, back when they had morals, and a good, clean story. One of my favorite aspect of the entire movie was the tiny elements from the book that the great and mysterious “They” left in. The most silliest and tiniest things I liked was that the boys all did things like carry the torches through the cave, let the girls go first, and the entire element of masculinity that is so lacking in our pop culture, (Including their brave battle scenes, but who wants to talk about that.) which, obviously left the girls free to be their feminine selves, running to battle in their dresses, and rescued by the boys. Just like the book. Also, the term “Son of Adam”. I loved it! What child today knows who Adam was? (I am not referring to all my homey classmates, okay? Okay.)
  4. I’m learning to accept my role in life as the comic relief and not a grand philosopher, so I’ll end this review rather abruptly. Note the numbering system to make it seem shorter………..
  5. In addendum: A lot of people were highly concerned and perhaps getting ulcers over the “violence” and age-appropriateness. Someone said it “pushed it’s PG rating.” I think maybe a clarification of the term “PG” is appropriate here: Parental Guidance. If it was rated “G” it might be safe to just let your children watch with no input from you, but really. I would take ages 8 and up, but that would really depend on the child and their parents….So go see it for yourself, see if your child is old enough to know that bad-guys die, get swept under the river like Pharaoh’s army, killed by their own people because the good-guys are too chivalrous to murder them…. that I learned by watching old westerns with similar “violence.”
  6. I hope you all have the chance to see it soon!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baby at the Beach

I finished a pattern for Barbie's Baby Sling today!
The idea came when I found a pair of teeny babies in the "miniatures" aisle at Hobby Lobby (see: Heaven on Earth). I made this one for my niece's 7th birthday, and I think I will be able to sell a few!

We couldn't find her baby, so she opted for this little one:)
(She's also enjoying her brand new bathing suit!)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I love JibJab

I sent this to my mom today. I think she'll like it! :-D

Don't send a lame Mother's Day eCard.
Try JibJab Sendables!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

laughter for all the stitching people

This quote made me laugh out loud today! 
"I learned to sew at a young age, and right away I realized that hated it. Nothing can take me from sweet, demure, ladylike behaviour to cursing, crying and throwing things about violently like a malfunctioning sewing machine (and aren't they all ALWAYS malfunctioning??)."  
~Belle, a milliner of ladies' hats, whose Etsy shop you must see!

Friday, May 2, 2008


When all you have to work with is some ugly orange fabric, and a spool of lovely organza ribbon...

One must get creative......SO, after a few weeks of considering the general use of bright orange, it finally hit me...Construction! Abhorent, ugly, and....reflective! What could possibly lend it's self to the illusion of being reflective? Why....my only yelllow ribbon on hand....organza!

Behold, the upcoming Construction Ken! Thankfully, Ken's body hasn't undergone an overhaul (as his girlfriend's has), which makes altering patterns to my desire so, so, so much easier!