Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Martians and Guns

Today I was searching for shop ideas, and came across a website that sells Barbie clothes and conceal carry purses.
I thought it aptly fit my personality, and had myself a good laugh!

I also watched this movie:
for a second time, and cried for a second time.

A precious little film about the value of human life and parenthood.


Jennifer said...

OOOOHHHHHH! I want to see that movie! I saw the preview on August Rush and watched the preview again! :)

Ha! That's hilarious about the cc purses! Are they selling the arms as well?

Did I mention, I LOVE the purple hat? Very Boring Sidney! (sp?)

the delapers said...

Conceil carry and Barbie...thats quite a combo!

Dallas likes the new dress you made!

Princess said...

the movie was fabo and the company was grand as well!

Casey said...

I forgot I wanted to see this in the theater, so I added to my netflix, I can't wait to see it!

Casey said...

Yay!! I got this movie from Nexflix! :) It was awesome! :) I loved it!! Thanks for putting it on your blog! :)