Saturday, July 26, 2008

Google Tagged

My cousin hath Google Tagged me! Here are my answers

I grew up in:

My age: (this baby was born at 22 weeks! I couldn't resist)

First real job:

College I attended:

I met my husband at:

Our first date was at:

My maiden name:

Nicknames I've had:

Favorite colors:

Favorite foods:

Currently reading:

Last movie I saw in the theater:

Movies I could watch over and over without getting tired of:

Favorite waste of time:

Phobia: (This is not really applicable, so how about something that grosses me out?)

Favorite lotion:

Favorite conditioner:

Shameless past crush:

I love to:

But I hate to:

Favorite singer:

In another life I was:

One major goal in this life is:

And on to the tagging.....Jennifer ....and Esther!


the delapers said...

Cool! I think yours were more creative than mine!

Jennifer said...

You make me laugh. I think I leave that comment on every one of your posts! But it's true! You do! You and John! :)

Dutchess said...

We always were a pair of a kind...

EL said...

Okay...I shall work on this. =)